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CopyMove 2013 - V3.14.0 released
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

CopyMove 2013 has since the last public release this year, continued to receive a lot of love to make it even better and meet more customer requirements. Today, it was time to wrap it all up into a new public release on our web-site. Check-out the new file ​dialog feature that makes it easy to create a new document from an existing one.

All significant changes since version 3.13.1 are summarized in the change log below:

  • New copy file dialog. When copying a single file without versions, CopyMove presents the user with a new dialog where the file name and metadata can be changed.
  • The CopyMove API can now leave documents checked-out when a value is missing for one or more required fields.
  • Removed yellow license warnings in UI dialogs.
  • Added switch parameter -DisableRequiredFieldsEnforcement to the PowerShell cmdlets Copy-SPPItem and Move-SPPItem.
  • Added parameter DefaultFieldValues to the PowerShell cmdlets Copy-SPPItem and Move-SPPItem.
  • Added file merge options to the SPP-CopyItem cmdlet. The parameter FileExistAction now accepts the additional values Merge and MergeAsNewVersion. When merging, CopyMove will only copy files newer than existing files in the destination.
  • Added file merge options to the SPP-MoveItem cmdlet. The parameter FileExistAction now accepts the additional value Merge. When merging, CopyMove will only move files newer than existing files in the destination.
  • Added options -ExportVersionsOptionState and -ExportPermissionsOptionState to the PowerShell cmdlets Set-CopyMoveFarmConfiguration and Set-CopyMoveSiteConfiguration. These new options makes it possible to configure the default state of the export dialog check box options 'Include versions' and 'Include permissions'.
  • Fixed issue where CopyMove allowed copy, move and export of list items protected by the Read access option in a list.
  • Fixed issue where the destination URL text box did not recognize special SharePoint folder URLs copied and pasted from the browser address bar.
  • Fixed unpredictable behavior on conflicting files with no checked-in version in large libraries. CopyMove will now detect these conflicts and abort gracefully to avoid losing the source file on a move operation.
  • Fixed issue where CopyMove failed with the error Only String, INT, and DateTime datatypes can be used as the value in properties when moving a folder shared with other users.
  • Fixed issue where it was not possible to copy/move a file to a folder without the EditListItems permission. CopyMove can now copy/move a single file-version to a folder with the AddListItems permission only.
  • Remedied the Google Chrome warning "document.registerElement() is deprecated in favor of customElements.define(). It is scheduled to be removed from chrome around March 2019."

Important Upgrade Information

Upgrading from CopyMove version 3.9 or earlier will require a complete reinstall of the CopyMove WSP solution packages. That is, they cannot be upgraded using the Upgrade-CopyMove.cmd script. The reinstall is completely safe and all CopyMove settings will remain in place. Please follow this procedure to upgrade:

  1. Download and unzip CopyMove 2013 version 3.12 to the SharePoint server that hosts Central Administration.
  2. Uninstall CopyMove 2013 using the Uninstall-CopyMove.cmd script.
  3. Wait for the uninstall to complete.
  4. Reset IIS and the SharePoint timer service (SPTimerV4) on all SharePoint servers in the farm. The CopyMove script Reset-AllServers.cmd can help do this without further effort.
  5. Install the new version using the Install-CopyMove.cmd script.
  6. When prompted by the script, press ENTER to also install the CopyMove 2010 support solutions. Otherwise press ESC.
  7. Wait for the install to complete.
  8. Done.

The reinstall procedure is necessary as the new version introduces some structural changes in the deployment. Changes that would not be handled correctly by upgrading the WSP solutions. After the reinstall, it will again be possible to upgrade the CopyMove WSP solutions using the Upgrade-CopyMove.cmd script.

Feature Highlight

CopyMove 3.14.0 introduces a new file dialog that shows when copying a single file without version history and author information. It enables users to easily create a copy of an existing document while modifying the file name, title and other metadata.

List settings ​​

The new version of CopyMove 2013 is available for download from the CopyMove 2013 Download page.
