SharePoint Products

compelling add-ons for SharePoint

CopyMove for SharePoint 2010

This product is an add-on for Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 that installs Copy and Move actions to document libraries and lists in a SharePoint farm. With these actions authorized users can via an intuitive Web interface easily copy and move content to other locations in the farm.

Now, SharePoint also offers similar functionality Out-Of-The-Box. But CopyMove is more powerful, faster and more intuitive to use. Study the feature matrix below to see the differences between SharePoint and CopyMove.

FeatureSPF 20101SPS 20102CopyMove 2010
1) SharePoint Foundation 2010 offers copy and move functionality through the Explorer View in document libraries.
2) SharePoint Server 2010 offers copy and move functionality from the Manage Content and Structure page.
Copy and Move document library files Screen shot 
 Copy and Move pictures Screen shot 
Copy and Move list items Screen shot  
Copy and Move document library folders Screen shot  
Copy and Move Web part pages   
Copy and Move Publishing pages   
Copy and Move Document Sets Screen shot   
Export to ZIP Screen shot   
Import from ZIP Screen shot   
Copy and Move across site collections Screen shot 
 Preserve version history on move Screen shot  
 Preserve version history on copy Screen shot  
Preserve metadata   
 Preserve item permissions Screen shot   
 Warning on file overwrite Screen shot 
Warning on loss of version history Screen shot   
Warning on loss of Content Type Screen shot   
Access Copy & Move actions from list views Screen shot  
Administrators can set transaction limitsdoc Screen shot   
Restrict access to CopyMove using permissionsdoc Screen shot   
.NET APIdoc    
Web Service APIdoc    
Audit transactionsdoc Screen shot  
Copy and Move with PowerShelldoc    
Multi-language support  
Online feature documentation
Feature screen shot