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FAQ: Unexpected error in the CopyMove dialog

Applies to: CopyMove for SharePoint 2013

Users experience the following error when trying to copy or move one or more selected items.


This is an unexpected error and could be caused by a SharePoint configuration problem or a bug in CopyMove. The error message does for security reasons not reveal system details to end users.


Inspect the SharePoint diagnostics log or the Windows event log for more details on the error. See the Diagnostic Logging section in the CopyMove 2013 Administrator's Guide for more information how to configure and inspect the log. You can also update the web.config file as follows to get CopyMove to display the detailed error directly in the dialog:

  1. Open the web.config file for the affected Web application.
  2. Change the attribute CallStack="false" to CallStack="true" on the <SafeMode> element.
  3. Change <customErrors mode="On" /> to <customErrors mode="Off" />

If the detailed error information cannot help you understand and resolve the problem then contact our support for further assistance.